1 Chronicles

Chapter 1

1 Adam,121 Sheth,8352 Enosh,583

2 Kenan,7018 Mahalaleel,4111 Jered,3382

3 Henoch,2585 Methuselah,4968 Lamech,3929

4 Noah,5146 Shem,8035 Ham,2526 and Japheth.3315

5 The sons1121 of Japheth;3315 Gomer,1586 and Magog,4031 and Madai,4074 and Javan,3120 and Tubal,8422 and Meshech,4902 and Tiras.8493

6 And the sons1121 of Gomer;1586 Ashchenaz,813 and Riphath,7384 and Togarmah.8425

7 And the sons1121 of Javan;3120 Elishah,473 and Tarshish,8659 Kittim,3794 and Dodanim.1721

8 The sons1121 of Ham;2526 Cush,3568 and Mizraim,4714 Put,6316 and Canaan.3667

9 And the sons1121 of Cush;3568 Seba,5434 and Havilah,2341 and Sabta,5454 and Raamah,7484 and Sabtecha.5455 And the sons1121 of Raamah;7484 Sheba,7614 and Dedan.1719

10 And Cush3568 begat3205 Nimrod:5248 he began2490 to be mighty1368 on the earth.776

11 And Mizraim4714 begat3205 Ludim,3866 and Anamim,6047 and Lehabim,3853 and Naphtuhim,5320

12 And Pathrusim,6625 and Casluhim,3695 (of whom834 came3318 the Philistines,6430) and Caphthorim.3732

13 And Canaan3667 begat3205 Zidon6721 his firstborn,1060 and Heth,2845

14 The Jebusite2983 also, and the Amorite,567 and the Girgashite,1622

15 And the Hivite,2340 and the Arkite,6208 and the Sinite,5513

16 And the Arvadite,721 and the Zemarite,6786 and the Hamathite.2577

17 The sons1121 of Shem;8035 Elam,5867 and Asshur,804 and Arphaxad,775 and Lud,3865 and Aram,758 and Uz,5780 and Hul,2343 and Gether,1666 and Meshech.4902

18 And Arphaxad775 begat3205 Shelah,7974 and Shelah7974 begat3205 Eber.5677

19 And to Eber5677 were born3205 two8147 sons:1121 the name8034 of the one259 was Peleg;6389 because3588 in his days3117 the earth776 was divided:6385 and his brother's251 name8034 was Joktan.3355

20 And Joktan3355 begat3205 Almodad,486 and Sheleph,8026 and Hazarmaveth,2700 and Jerah,3392

21 Hadoram1913 also, and Uzal,187 and Diklah,1853

22 And Ebal,5858 and Abimael,39 and Sheba,7614

23 And Ophir,211 and Havilah,2341 and Jobab.3103 All3605 these428 were the sons1121 of Joktan.3355

24 Shem,8035 Arphaxad,775 Shelah,7956

25 Eber,5677 Peleg,6389 Reu,7466

26 Serug,8286 Nahor,5152 Terah,8646

27 Abram;87 the same1931 is Abraham.85

28 The sons1121 of Abraham;85 Isaac,3327 and Ishmael.3458

29 These428 are their generations:8435 The firstborn1060 of Ishmael,3458 Nebaioth;5032 then Kedar,6938 and Adbeel,110 and Mibsam,4017

30 Mishma,4927 and Dumah,1746 Massa,4854 Hadad,1908 and Tema,8485

31 Jetur,3195 Naphish,5305 and Kedemah.6929 These428 1992 are the sons1121 of Ishmael.3458

32 Now the sons1121 of Keturah,6989 Abraham's85 concubine:6370 she bore3205 Zimran,2175 and Jokshan,3370 and Medan,4091 and Midian,4080 and Ishbak,3435 and Shuah.7744 And the sons1121 of Jokshan;3370 Sheba,7614 and Dedan.1719

33 And the sons1121 of Midian;4080 Ephah,5891 and Epher,6081 and Henoch,2585 and Abida,28 and Eldaah.420 All3605 these428 are the sons1121 of Keturah.6989

34 And Abraham85 begat3205 Isaac.3327 The sons1121 of Isaac;3327 Esau6215 and Israel.3478

35 The sons1121 of Esau;6215 Eliphaz,464 Reuel,7467 and Jeush,3266 and Jaalam,3281 and Korah.7141

36 The sons1121 of Eliphaz;464 Teman,8487 and Omar,201 Zephi,6825 and Gatam,1609 Kenaz,7073 and Timna,8555 and Amalek.6002

37 The sons1121 of Reuel;7467 Nahath,5184 Zerah,2226 Shammah,8048 and Mizzah.4199

38 And the sons1121 of Seir;8165 Lotan,3877 and Shobal,7732 and Zibeon,6649 and Anah,6034 and Dishon,1787 and Ezar,687 and Dishan.1789

39 And the sons1121 of Lotan;3877 Hori,2753 and Homam:1950 and Timna8555 was Lotan's3877 sister.269

40 The sons1121 of Shobal;7732 Alian,5935 and Manahath,4506 and Ebal,5858 Shephi,8195 and Onam.208 and the sons1121 of Zibeon;6649 Aiah,345 and Anah.6034

41 The sons1121 of Anah;6034 Dishon.1787 And the sons1121 of Dishon;1787 Amram,2566 and Eshban,790 and Ithran,3506 and Cheran.3763

42 The sons1121 of Ezer;687 Bilhan,1092 and Zavan,2190 and Jakan.3292 The sons1121 of Dishan;1789 Uz,5780 and Aran.765

43 Now these428 are the kings4428 that reigned4427 in the land776 of Edom123 before6440 any king4428 reigned4427 over the children1121 of Israel;3478 Bela1106 the son1121 of Beor:1160 and the name8034 of his city5892 was Dinhabah.1838

44 And when Bela1106 was dead,4191 Jobab3103 the son1121 of Zerah2226 of Bozrah1224 reigned4427 in his stead.8478

45 And when Jobab3103 was dead,4191 Husham2367 of the land776 of the Temanites8489 reigned4427 in his stead.8478

46 And when Husham2367 was dead,4191 Hadad1908 the son1121 of Bedad,911 which smote5221 Midian4080 in the field7704 of Moab,4124 reigned4427 in his stead:8478 and the name8034 of his city5892 was Avith.5762

47 And when Hadad1908 was dead,4191 Samlah8072 of Masrekah4957 reigned4427 in his stead.8478

48 And when Samlah8072 was dead,4191 Shaul7586 of Rehoboth7344 by the river5104 reigned4427 in his stead.8478

49 And when Shaul7586 was dead,4191 Baalhanan1177 the son1121 of Achbor5907 reigned4427 in his stead.8478

50 And when Baalhanan1177 was dead,4191 Hadad1908 reigned4427 in his stead:8478 and the name8034 of his city5892 was Pai;6464 and his wife's802 name8034 was Mehetabel,4105 the daughter1323 of Matred,4308 the daughter1323 of Mezahab.4314

51 Hadad1908 died4191 also. And the dukes441 of Edom123 were; duke441 Timnah,8555 duke441 Aliah,5933 duke441 Jetheth,3509

52 Duke441 Aholibamah,173 duke441 Elah,425 duke441 Pinon,6373

53 Duke441 Kenaz,7073 duke441 Teman,8487 duke441 Mibzar,4014

54 Duke441 Magdiel,4025 duke441 Iram.5902 These428 are the dukes of Edom.123



1 稽古亞當生子設、設生以哪士、

2 以哪士生該南、該南生馬勒列、馬勒列生耶列、

3 耶列生以諾、以諾生馬土撒拉、馬土撒拉生拉麥、

4 拉麥生挪亞、挪亞生閃、含、雅弗、

5 雅弗子坷滅、馬各、馬太、雅番、土八、米設、提臘。

6 坷滅子亞實基拿、哩法、陀伽馬、

7 雅番生以利沙、大失、亦爲基底、多單、二族之祖。

8 含生古實、弗、迦南、亦爲麥西一族之祖。

9 古實子西巴、哈腓拉、颯大、喇馬、颯提迦。喇馬子示巴、底但、

10 古實生寧緑、其人英武。

11 麥西一族、生路丁、安男、利哈、納土、

12 八魯、甲路、鴿託諸族。甲路生非利士一族。

13 迦南生冢子西頓、亦爲赫、

14 耶布士、亞摩哩、革迦西、

15 希未、亞基、西尼、

16 亞瓦底、洗馬哩、哈末、諸族之祖、

17 閃子以攔、亞述、亞法撒、路得、亞蘭、烏士、戶勒、其帖、米設、(或曰馬實)

18 亞法撒生示拉、示拉生希百諸族之祖。

19 希百生二子、一名法勒、因當時邦國分裂、一名約單。

20 約單生亞摩達、沙粒、哈薩馬非、耶喇。

21 哈多蘭、烏薩、特拉、

22 以八、亞庇馬利、示巴、

23 阿妃、哈腓拉、約八。

24 閃生亞法撒、亞法撒生示拉、

25 示拉生希百、希百生法勒、法勒生拉苟、

26 拉苟生撒鹿、撒鹿生拿鶴、拿鶴他拉。

27 他拉生亞伯蘭、卽亞伯拉罕是。

28 亞伯拉罕子以撒、以實馬利。

29 以實馬利生尼排約、基達、押別、密衫、

30 密馬、土馬、馬撒、哈撻、提馬、

31 益督、拿非實、其底馬。

32 亞伯拉罕妾基都喇生心蘭、約山、米但、米田、益八、書亞。約山子示巴、底但。

33 米田子以法、以弗、哈諾、亞庇大、以勒大。

34 以撒生以掃、以色列。

35 以掃子以利法、流耳、耶是、雅蘭、可喇。

36 以利法子提慢、阿抹、西波、迦但、基納、亭納、亞馬力。

37 流耳子拿轄、西喇、沙馬、米撒。

38 西耳子羅單、說八、祭便、亞拿、底順、以察、底山。

39 羅單子何利、希慢、羅單女弟亭納。

40 說八子亞勒文、馬拿轄、以八、示波、阿南、祭便子亞雅、亞拿。

41 亞拿子底順、底順子暗蘭〔或曰欣但〕、一是班、益蘭、基蘭。

42 以察子辟罕、撒番、耶干。底山子烏士、亞蘭。

43 當以色列族未有王時、惟以東地有王、其名如左、庇耳子庇拉、都亭哈巴。

44 庇拉薨、破斯喇人西拉、子約八卽位。

45 約八薨、提慢人戶山卽位。

46 戶山薨、庇撻子哈撻卽位、都亞味得昔於摩押平原擊米田族者、卽此王也。

47 哈撻薨、馬士哩迦人三拉卽位。

48 三拉薨、河旁哩何伯人掃羅卽位。

49 掃羅薨、亞革破子巴勒哈南卽位。

50 巴勒哈南薨、哈達卽位、都於保、其后米薩合孫、馬特列女米希大別。

51 哈達薨、在以東爲伯者如左、亭拿伯、亞勒瓦伯、耶帖伯、

52 亞何利巴馬伯、以拉伯、比嫩伯、

53 基納伯、提慢伯、密薩伯、

54 麥鐵伯、以蘭伯。

1 Chronicles

Chapter 1



1 Adam,121 Sheth,8352 Enosh,583

1 稽古亞當生子設、設生以哪士、

2 Kenan,7018 Mahalaleel,4111 Jered,3382

2 以哪士生該南、該南生馬勒列、馬勒列生耶列、

3 Henoch,2585 Methuselah,4968 Lamech,3929

3 耶列生以諾、以諾生馬土撒拉、馬土撒拉生拉麥、

4 Noah,5146 Shem,8035 Ham,2526 and Japheth.3315

4 拉麥生挪亞、挪亞生閃、含、雅弗、

5 The sons1121 of Japheth;3315 Gomer,1586 and Magog,4031 and Madai,4074 and Javan,3120 and Tubal,8422 and Meshech,4902 and Tiras.8493

5 雅弗子坷滅、馬各、馬太、雅番、土八、米設、提臘。

6 And the sons1121 of Gomer;1586 Ashchenaz,813 and Riphath,7384 and Togarmah.8425

6 坷滅子亞實基拿、哩法、陀伽馬、

7 And the sons1121 of Javan;3120 Elishah,473 and Tarshish,8659 Kittim,3794 and Dodanim.1721

7 雅番生以利沙、大失、亦爲基底、多單、二族之祖。

8 The sons1121 of Ham;2526 Cush,3568 and Mizraim,4714 Put,6316 and Canaan.3667

8 含生古實、弗、迦南、亦爲麥西一族之祖。

9 And the sons1121 of Cush;3568 Seba,5434 and Havilah,2341 and Sabta,5454 and Raamah,7484 and Sabtecha.5455 And the sons1121 of Raamah;7484 Sheba,7614 and Dedan.1719

9 古實子西巴、哈腓拉、颯大、喇馬、颯提迦。喇馬子示巴、底但、

10 And Cush3568 begat3205 Nimrod:5248 he began2490 to be mighty1368 on the earth.776

10 古實生寧緑、其人英武。

11 And Mizraim4714 begat3205 Ludim,3866 and Anamim,6047 and Lehabim,3853 and Naphtuhim,5320

11 麥西一族、生路丁、安男、利哈、納土、

12 And Pathrusim,6625 and Casluhim,3695 (of whom834 came3318 the Philistines,6430) and Caphthorim.3732

12 八魯、甲路、鴿託諸族。甲路生非利士一族。

13 And Canaan3667 begat3205 Zidon6721 his firstborn,1060 and Heth,2845

13 迦南生冢子西頓、亦爲赫、

14 The Jebusite2983 also, and the Amorite,567 and the Girgashite,1622

14 耶布士、亞摩哩、革迦西、

15 And the Hivite,2340 and the Arkite,6208 and the Sinite,5513

15 希未、亞基、西尼、

16 And the Arvadite,721 and the Zemarite,6786 and the Hamathite.2577

16 亞瓦底、洗馬哩、哈末、諸族之祖、

17 The sons1121 of Shem;8035 Elam,5867 and Asshur,804 and Arphaxad,775 and Lud,3865 and Aram,758 and Uz,5780 and Hul,2343 and Gether,1666 and Meshech.4902

17 閃子以攔、亞述、亞法撒、路得、亞蘭、烏士、戶勒、其帖、米設、(或曰馬實)

18 And Arphaxad775 begat3205 Shelah,7974 and Shelah7974 begat3205 Eber.5677

18 亞法撒生示拉、示拉生希百諸族之祖。

19 And to Eber5677 were born3205 two8147 sons:1121 the name8034 of the one259 was Peleg;6389 because3588 in his days3117 the earth776 was divided:6385 and his brother's251 name8034 was Joktan.3355

19 希百生二子、一名法勒、因當時邦國分裂、一名約單。

20 And Joktan3355 begat3205 Almodad,486 and Sheleph,8026 and Hazarmaveth,2700 and Jerah,3392

20 約單生亞摩達、沙粒、哈薩馬非、耶喇。

21 Hadoram1913 also, and Uzal,187 and Diklah,1853

21 哈多蘭、烏薩、特拉、

22 And Ebal,5858 and Abimael,39 and Sheba,7614

22 以八、亞庇馬利、示巴、

23 And Ophir,211 and Havilah,2341 and Jobab.3103 All3605 these428 were the sons1121 of Joktan.3355

23 阿妃、哈腓拉、約八。

24 Shem,8035 Arphaxad,775 Shelah,7956

24 閃生亞法撒、亞法撒生示拉、

25 Eber,5677 Peleg,6389 Reu,7466

25 示拉生希百、希百生法勒、法勒生拉苟、

26 Serug,8286 Nahor,5152 Terah,8646

26 拉苟生撒鹿、撒鹿生拿鶴、拿鶴他拉。

27 Abram;87 the same1931 is Abraham.85

27 他拉生亞伯蘭、卽亞伯拉罕是。

28 The sons1121 of Abraham;85 Isaac,3327 and Ishmael.3458

28 亞伯拉罕子以撒、以實馬利。

29 These428 are their generations:8435 The firstborn1060 of Ishmael,3458 Nebaioth;5032 then Kedar,6938 and Adbeel,110 and Mibsam,4017

29 以實馬利生尼排約、基達、押別、密衫、

30 Mishma,4927 and Dumah,1746 Massa,4854 Hadad,1908 and Tema,8485

30 密馬、土馬、馬撒、哈撻、提馬、

31 Jetur,3195 Naphish,5305 and Kedemah.6929 These428 1992 are the sons1121 of Ishmael.3458

31 益督、拿非實、其底馬。

32 Now the sons1121 of Keturah,6989 Abraham's85 concubine:6370 she bore3205 Zimran,2175 and Jokshan,3370 and Medan,4091 and Midian,4080 and Ishbak,3435 and Shuah.7744 And the sons1121 of Jokshan;3370 Sheba,7614 and Dedan.1719

32 亞伯拉罕妾基都喇生心蘭、約山、米但、米田、益八、書亞。約山子示巴、底但。

33 And the sons1121 of Midian;4080 Ephah,5891 and Epher,6081 and Henoch,2585 and Abida,28 and Eldaah.420 All3605 these428 are the sons1121 of Keturah.6989

33 米田子以法、以弗、哈諾、亞庇大、以勒大。

34 And Abraham85 begat3205 Isaac.3327 The sons1121 of Isaac;3327 Esau6215 and Israel.3478

34 以撒生以掃、以色列。

35 The sons1121 of Esau;6215 Eliphaz,464 Reuel,7467 and Jeush,3266 and Jaalam,3281 and Korah.7141

35 以掃子以利法、流耳、耶是、雅蘭、可喇。

36 The sons1121 of Eliphaz;464 Teman,8487 and Omar,201 Zephi,6825 and Gatam,1609 Kenaz,7073 and Timna,8555 and Amalek.6002

36 以利法子提慢、阿抹、西波、迦但、基納、亭納、亞馬力。

37 The sons1121 of Reuel;7467 Nahath,5184 Zerah,2226 Shammah,8048 and Mizzah.4199

37 流耳子拿轄、西喇、沙馬、米撒。

38 And the sons1121 of Seir;8165 Lotan,3877 and Shobal,7732 and Zibeon,6649 and Anah,6034 and Dishon,1787 and Ezar,687 and Dishan.1789

38 西耳子羅單、說八、祭便、亞拿、底順、以察、底山。

39 And the sons1121 of Lotan;3877 Hori,2753 and Homam:1950 and Timna8555 was Lotan's3877 sister.269

39 羅單子何利、希慢、羅單女弟亭納。

40 The sons1121 of Shobal;7732 Alian,5935 and Manahath,4506 and Ebal,5858 Shephi,8195 and Onam.208 and the sons1121 of Zibeon;6649 Aiah,345 and Anah.6034

40 說八子亞勒文、馬拿轄、以八、示波、阿南、祭便子亞雅、亞拿。

41 The sons1121 of Anah;6034 Dishon.1787 And the sons1121 of Dishon;1787 Amram,2566 and Eshban,790 and Ithran,3506 and Cheran.3763

41 亞拿子底順、底順子暗蘭〔或曰欣但〕、一是班、益蘭、基蘭。

42 The sons1121 of Ezer;687 Bilhan,1092 and Zavan,2190 and Jakan.3292 The sons1121 of Dishan;1789 Uz,5780 and Aran.765

42 以察子辟罕、撒番、耶干。底山子烏士、亞蘭。

43 Now these428 are the kings4428 that reigned4427 in the land776 of Edom123 before6440 any king4428 reigned4427 over the children1121 of Israel;3478 Bela1106 the son1121 of Beor:1160 and the name8034 of his city5892 was Dinhabah.1838

43 當以色列族未有王時、惟以東地有王、其名如左、庇耳子庇拉、都亭哈巴。

44 And when Bela1106 was dead,4191 Jobab3103 the son1121 of Zerah2226 of Bozrah1224 reigned4427 in his stead.8478

44 庇拉薨、破斯喇人西拉、子約八卽位。

45 And when Jobab3103 was dead,4191 Husham2367 of the land776 of the Temanites8489 reigned4427 in his stead.8478

45 約八薨、提慢人戶山卽位。

46 And when Husham2367 was dead,4191 Hadad1908 the son1121 of Bedad,911 which smote5221 Midian4080 in the field7704 of Moab,4124 reigned4427 in his stead:8478 and the name8034 of his city5892 was Avith.5762

46 戶山薨、庇撻子哈撻卽位、都亞味得昔於摩押平原擊米田族者、卽此王也。

47 And when Hadad1908 was dead,4191 Samlah8072 of Masrekah4957 reigned4427 in his stead.8478

47 哈撻薨、馬士哩迦人三拉卽位。

48 And when Samlah8072 was dead,4191 Shaul7586 of Rehoboth7344 by the river5104 reigned4427 in his stead.8478

48 三拉薨、河旁哩何伯人掃羅卽位。

49 And when Shaul7586 was dead,4191 Baalhanan1177 the son1121 of Achbor5907 reigned4427 in his stead.8478

49 掃羅薨、亞革破子巴勒哈南卽位。

50 And when Baalhanan1177 was dead,4191 Hadad1908 reigned4427 in his stead:8478 and the name8034 of his city5892 was Pai;6464 and his wife's802 name8034 was Mehetabel,4105 the daughter1323 of Matred,4308 the daughter1323 of Mezahab.4314

50 巴勒哈南薨、哈達卽位、都於保、其后米薩合孫、馬特列女米希大別。

51 Hadad1908 died4191 also. And the dukes441 of Edom123 were; duke441 Timnah,8555 duke441 Aliah,5933 duke441 Jetheth,3509

51 哈達薨、在以東爲伯者如左、亭拿伯、亞勒瓦伯、耶帖伯、

52 Duke441 Aholibamah,173 duke441 Elah,425 duke441 Pinon,6373

52 亞何利巴馬伯、以拉伯、比嫩伯、

53 Duke441 Kenaz,7073 duke441 Teman,8487 duke441 Mibzar,4014

53 基納伯、提慢伯、密薩伯、

54 Duke441 Magdiel,4025 duke441 Iram.5902 These428 are the dukes of Edom.123

54 麥鐵伯、以蘭伯。